How Far is it Between New York, Usa and Berlin, Germany
This map shows the distance from New York, Usa to Berlin, Germany. You can also see the distance in miles and km below the map.
Map Showing the Distance Between New York, Usa and Berlin, Germany
How to Use
Input the name of the two places in the text boxes and click the Show button.
The recommended format to use is [City, Country] i.e. [City(comma)(space)Country].
Once a result is returned, you can copy a link to use as a permanent referance back to the result or to send on to others.
Note : For ZIP Codes, use Distance Between ZIP Codes, For UK Postcodes, use the UK Postcode distance tool. Also, to find the distance between points that are not named, you can use the Measure Distance tool.
About How Far is it Between
This tool can be used to find the distance between two places.
There are two distances output:
- As the Crow Flies - The direct distance between points
- Distance by land transport (When possible) - Distance estimate when you travel by road and sea.
The distances can be output in the following units:
- km (kilometers)
- miles
The output is via a measurement of the distance and also a map that shows that two locations and the path between them as the crow flies and the route by land transport.
You can use the controls on the map to:
- Pan the map
- Zoom the Map
- Switch between Map and Satellite views
Some Examples of Distances
Some of the distances between cities that can be found using the system. Click on one to see it or type in your own places above in the text boxes.
- How Far is it Between Dallas Texas, Usa and Birmingham, Uk
- How Far is it Between Beijing, China and Ottawa - Ontario, Canada
- How Far is it Between Miami, Florida Usa and Glasgow, Scotland
- How Far is it Between Nottingham, England and Liverpool, England
- How Far is it Between San Diego California, Usa and Auckland, New Zealand
Relevant Links
Comments For This Page
Yes unfortunately me too ......getting Nul returns. Using XP SP3 and Google Chrome if of any assistance in solving?
By Mr G Montgomery on 6th October 2013
Useless: I am getting zero, nil distances. Stick it up!
On 22nd March 2010
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